News and commentary on IP issues

Plausibility at the EPO - Enlarged Board of Appeal decision G2/21

The long-awaited Enlarged Board of Appeal decision G2/21 has finally been issued. It confirms that evidence submitted in support of inventive step cannot be disregarded solely on the ground that such evidence had not been public before the filing date and was only filed after that date. The background to this Decision and the referral to the E...
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  1907 Hits
1907 Hits

Plausibility - EPO stays proceedings in view of Enlarged Board Referral

The European Patent Office has announced a stay of all examination/opposition proceedings involving applications/patents in which the assessment of inventive step is exclusively based on evidence that was not publicly available before the filing date, and in which the decision depends entirely on the outcome of Referral G2/21 (Plausibility), u...
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  3456 Hits
3456 Hits